Help Stop The Enslavement Of The Human Race
From The Ancient And Terrible Evil Of The Anatis...

These ducks are masters of disguise and are mostly used for assassinations. They lay in wait in a disguised form for their target. Then they transform to their true form and fire a poisoned dart from their throat pouch.

These are highly armoured duck cyborgs, who along with the ranger ducks, form the bulk of the advance invasion forces.

This new form of duck mine was found on the Thames on friday the 12th of june 2015. As you can see it is vastly different from the usual ones that resemble a childs bath toy.

These ducks are masters of disguise and are mostly used for assassinations. They lay in wait in a disguised form for their target. Then they transform to their true form and fire a poisoned dart from their throat pouch.
Few people are aware of the huge and present danger facing mankind. Hardly anyone is aware that their is an ancient and terrible evil, watching humankind from the vastness of space. Almost no one knows that they are plotting to take over the earth and enslave the human race. Every day humans go about there business completely unaware that many of them are unwittingly aiding and abetting these fowl and evil beings. It is our duty at the great duck conspiracy resistance network to inform people of that most deadly and patient intergalactic invasion force known in this or any other universe. An evil so terrifyingly effective, that they already have control of vast swathes of our galaxy. This evil is in plain sight, this evil is none other than the Anatis or as more commonly known Ducks. That's right ladies and Gentlemen ducks, I kid you not. Though before you proceed any further, knowledge of the great duck conspiracy can bring great danger to your self and those you love. So before you continue any further, think to yourself, am I willing to take the risk? If the answer is yes then read on at your own peril. If not just shake your head, face palm and move on. This knowledge is not for the faint hearted you have been WARNED!!!!!!!!!!
The Anatis originated in a distant galaxy, many millions of years ago (and are the original ancestors of ducks). They were not always malicous and warlike. They were once a peaceful cooperative race. Who's empire spanned several star systems in the Ursa Major galactic system. They lived in peace with all other species they had came across. Until their home planet was destroyed by the Cantel. After destroying the Anatis' home planet they enslaved all the Anatis populations on other planets.
After about 70 years of training and bio engineering the Anatis underground were ready to take on the might of the Cantel. It was a swift and brutal victory. Within 30 years the Anatis had control over all of their former colonial planets. Unfortunately for them the Cantel were far more powerful and numerous than they realised. The retalliation came swiftly. Many Anatis worlds were destroyed millions killed. Millions more managed to flee. They formed a huge underground army and left the galaxy. With the aim of creating an army large enough and viscious enough to take on the Cantel.
Get Involved
How to get involved... You can join our discussion group on facebook, or take action yourself.
How to take action and thwart the duck invasion.
!. eat as many ducks and duck eggs as you can.
2. Fill in ponds and small lakes.
3. Share this knowledge with as many folks as possible.
4. Join one of our growing resistance groups.
5. Eat all the duck food.
In response to the current governments austerity programmes, we are arranging to have all ducks culled given to foodbanks. We are already in talks with several foodbanks about distributing the ducks from Braids farm. We know this is only a small gesture, so we also encourage those involved with the wild duck culls, to give over the dead and prepared birds to their local foodbanks.
Braid ponds filled
Braid duck ponds have finally been filled. After 3 years of negotiations, bribes and threats. We finally convinced Arthur Braid to close his duck farm, filll in the ponds and raise chickens instead. Thankyou to all who helped raise the money for this. Without the money to cover the costs of the change over this would not have happened.
Duck mine found
Latest Project

Another duck mine has been found in the Thames on friday 12th of June. The design is different to previous mines found, but is still disguised to look like an innocent object. Please if you find what appears to be a toy or ornamental duck in rivers, ponds or any other body of water. Do not under any circumstances take them home. They are designed to explode in the few months leading to invasion day, or if the invasion has been succesfully thwarted. If you do come across one please contact us and we will send an expert to deal with it.
McQuires farm
Thanks to our negotiations and your campaigning farmer Sean Mcquire has now shifted his position. He will kill off all his ducks , fill in his ponds and raise chickens. Provide we can raise the money needed for the change over by august 2016. Once his and our accountants have came to a sum both parties can agree on we will let you all know. Meanwhile donations can be made through the usual channels.