What can you do to thwart the duck invasion...
How to take action and thwart the duck invasion.
1. eat as many ducks and duck eggs as you can.
2. Fill in ponds and small lakes.
3. Share this knowledge with as many folks as possible.
4. Talk with duck farmers about switching to chickens. Once you explain the danger and the fact that we can cover the conversion costs as well as lost earnings, most are willing. If not organise a local campaign group against the farmer.
5. Join one of our growing resistance groups.
6. Eat all the duck food.
7. Continue to encourage people to feed ducks white bread and doughnuts.
Get involved. You can join our discussion group on facebook, or take action yourself.

Many of the attack vehicles and other weaponry used by the Anatis are disguised to seem like innocent objects.

Here we see an artists impression of a duck army general, planning a battle.

These rangers make up the bulk of the forward strike force. They use flocks of native ducks, (both mutated and non mutated) as cover for their attacks. The flocks of ducks divebomb and attack whilst the rangers move around them firing their megablasters.

Many of the attack vehicles and other weaponry used by the Anatis are disguised to seem like innocent objects.
."We are few but we are brave and we must achieve what must be done." Cmdr Stevin Perkins
If we do not take action now then it will be too late. Already the first wave of mines and other sabotage devices have started turning up. Duck friendly propoganda has been around for a few decades now. These are signs that we have transformed almost enough of our environment for the needs of the Anatis. Once this has been achieved the terrestrial ducks will send out a signal to the nearest attack fleet. At this point it will be too late. If we can kill enough ducks and destroy enough of their habitats, then the signal will never be sent. Thus thwarting the Anatis invasion. This my friends is the only way, as the late great commander Perkins said "we are few but we are brave and we must achieve what must be done."