A busy year for the ducks.

Since the start of the year we have seen an increased activity in the ducks battle readyness plans. Particularly in the surveillance of Duck conspiracy members and world leaders using specially adapted ducks. these ducks appear as normal, but every 3 hours they transmit their recorded observations back to the Anutis intelligence database for our planet. It is especially useful to kill these types on sight. We have also seen an increase in the number of duck mines as well as the forms they take. Most notably thoug has been the start of catastrophy drill training. This is for when the duck mines start going off a few months prior to invasion. As you know these mines are designed so that people pick them up and bring them home or to work. When these mines explode flocks of highly trained ducks flock onto the roads obstructing the traffic. Thus impeding the movements of the emergency services, thus increasing the devastation and chaos of their terrorist attacks. This sudden flurry of activity suggests we may have even less time than we had previously estimated. We could be looking at as little as 10 years before invasion day. We believe this speeding up of their preparations could be due to the effects of global warming on glaciers and sea levels. As these are creating even more suitable duck habitats.