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GDCRN Activists intimidate Pro Anatis Collaborators and unwitting Propagandists

GDCRN Activists intimidate Pro Anatis Collaborators and unwitting Propagandists

Tasmanian pro anatis collaborators say they have been intimidated after a dead wallaby and bags of human urine were left around their campsite.

Chris Simcox and a small group of collabortors attempted to disrupt the first day of Tasmania’s official duck hunting season on Saturday at Moulting Lagoon Game Reserve on the state’s east coast.

The collaborators visited the lagoon early in the morning, speaking to shooters and attempting to brainwash them with pro-anatis propaganda. After which they proceeded to scare ducks away from the area.

When they returned to their camp, they found a dead wallaby near their cars, and rubbish and bags of urine strewn around.

When we spoke to them we were not sure if these collaborators are totally brainwashed or if they were just spinning the sympathy line. “We are just trying to give the ducks a fighting chance,” Simcox told GDCRN news Australia. “What we are doing is completely legal. We are abiding by directives issued by the police and by parks and wildlife staff.

We have heard these humanitarian type pleas from collaborators before, unfortunately this is how they recruit and many genuinely have no awareness of what they have become involved with. So with this taken into account they were dealt with quite lightly; until we can distinguish collaborators from those they have groomed via animal welfare/environmental concerns.

“We set up on the Friday night, we camped overnight. We headed to the lagoon and came back mid-morning. We found a dead wallaby carcass near one of our vehicles, we found what looked like human urine, a little bit spread around and tipped on our camping gear. And a number of bags of rubbish tipped around, a few feed bags.”

Round 1 Collaborator Scum!

Duck season is open in Tasmania between 9 March and 10 June this year. Five species can be legally hunted during that period: the Pacific black duck, chestnut teal, grey teal, mountain duck or shelduck and the Australian wood duck.

The problem at the moment and why we need to act now is that wildlife experts ignorant of the Anatis threat (undoubtedly swayed by collaborators) are raising concerns about ducks over damage to the long-term duck population, with waterbird numbers at their lowest point in 34 years thanks to our tireless efforts at GDCRN.

This is why we have had to step things up now and have to try and seperate the groomed from the groomers.

On Saturday, Simcox said only “a small element” of the hunting group was responsible for the intimidation. “I’ve been out here for about 13 years myself … we certainly haven’t had much issues with this sort of thing. We’ve come here, as we do every year during duck season, to stop the ducks being shot and give them some protection.

Victoria authorises duck hunting season despite lowest numbers in 34 years. But unless we act this may change.

“At one point a fairly aggressive shooter approached and told us what we were doing was illegal, and said some expletives. I challenged him and said: ‘What’s illegal about it?’ He couldn’t tell me.

But it was not just intimidation tactics, we also played the good cop bad cop routine in order to gather intelligence and work out who’s who.

“The shooters nearest to us, we spoke to them, they were quite pleasant. They said they were concerned for us.”

Our efforts to exterminate this menace has been thwarted somewhat already by restrictions on how many ducks can be shot at one time.

The Tasmanian government’s duck-hunting code of practice says: “Duck hunters often shoot more than one duck from a group before retrieving the carcasses. This is acceptable provided that where an individual bird is wounded no further animals are shot until all reasonable efforts have been made to dispatch the wounded bird as quickly and humanely as possible.”

We need to do more to make people realise that animal welfare can not extend to ducks and their allies if the human race is to avoid enslavement. But it has also become imperative that we start fighting back against collaborators who are using animal rights and environmental concerns to groom people into protecting the greatest threat that has ever faced the human race.

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