Known collaborator deemphasize's recent upsurge in UFO sightings, in attempt to distract UFO com
UFO sighting reports doubled in June. Why are so many people reporting strange sightings?

Are aliens invading - or have we been enjoying the summer a little bit too enthusiastically?
The number of UFO sightings doubled in June, according to an international group of sky gazers.
The Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), which collates UFO evidence from around the world, recorded sightings of 1,179 mysterious unexplained crafts last month - up from just over 600 in the same period last year.
So does this spike in activity mean aliens are preparing to invade Earth and turn us into a slave species?
Well as we already know the answer to this is yes, and those who have been followin GDCRN leaks already know why.
GDCRN spokesbeing, Crayor, informed us back in May that this spike in UFO activity would occur. He informed us that the reciever/transmitter that relayed information from the Anatis spy network to the Anatis military blockade, was down. Meaning vessels would have to pass close to earth in order to recieve vital intelligence on world leaders and the movements of the GDCRN. More chilling though was his ignored warnings to the wider UFO community. "I beleive, when this increase in UFO activity is noticed by the UFO community and the wider public, we will see collaborators within the UFO community whitewash these incidents and give us "rational" explanations for this increase." Since then GDCRN have been monitoring known collaborators within MUFON, then as if on cue, Known collaborator Roger Marsh, MUFON director of communications steps up.
Roger Marsh, doesn't seem too worried. He offered a distinctly terrestrial explanation for the UFO sightings.
“We feel [it] was directly related to the final two episodes of Season 2 of 'Hangar 1: The UFO Files,'" he told the alternative news site Open Minds.
This show aired on the History Channel in America and featured extensive contributions from MUFON.
"A very high percentage of the June UFO report surge were historical cases," Marsh added.
"People were watching our show and decided they finally discovered a place where they could report their encounter."
"Some of these are very, very interesting and compelling cases currently under investigation.”
He also had another explanation for the UFO explosion which took place last month."
"Many more people are celebrating outside during the evening hours and are looking up," he said.
Reading between the lines a bit, this might mean that revellers are flat on their back after a few too many hours in the pub.
And when you're in a state like that, who knows what mysterious flying objects you'll see? This is not the first time Marsh has attempted to make light of Anatis related UFO activity. Since becoming MUFON director of communications he has attempted to create a schism between abductees and the rest of the UFO community. With his consistent denial of the validity of their claims, and insistence that extra terrestrials have no interest in our affairs. As we all know almost all abductions have been Anatis related. We also know that since the completion of the Anatis military blockade 5 years ago, almost all extra terrestrial activity on and around earth has been Anatis. Marsh is a collaborator his purpose of taking such an influential position within the UFO community, is purely to prevent those in a position of discovering the truth from doing so. We have to keep a close on whom he tries to silence or discredit, if we have any hope of exposing the Anatis before it is too late.