Chemtrail poison plans linked to Anatis
At 4:30 on the 22 of January we got a call from on of our derp under cover operatives working for the Anatis propaganda department in the UK government. He gave us the details of a whistleblower who wanted to come clean about th UK's chemtrail programme and it's links to the Anatis.
When we met with Arnold Arnoldson who has been part of the Uk Chemtrail programme since early 1992 he told us. "I knew what we were doing was a bit shady and probably not much good for the general public. But I din't suspect alien involvement."
When asked to describe the aliens he had the following to say, "they were around 7 and a half feet tall, muscular, coated with down and had what can only be described as ducklike heads." Which confirmed our operatives suspicions that the Anatis were involved.
He then showed us some of the barrels of mysterious substances that he adds to aviation fuel every day. "We don't even know what this stuff is, but we've all been too scared to say anything." He looked around nervously before moving in closer and whispering. "We'll, not since Fred dissappeared. He was the last person to mention the subject."

When asked why he has decided to speak out despite his previous fears and the disappearance of a colleague he answered. "Well, once I knew that aliens were involved and I overheard what this stuff is used for, i had to say something. They said it is for mind control to make the enslavement so much easier. I just had to say something."
We took a sample of what was in the barrels and so far no earth scientists can tell what it is, so we are sending samples to our off world colleagues.
We have since heard reports that the same stuff is being put into duckfood (they are immune) so that they can use ducks to contribute to distribution. When we tried to get a hold of Arnold Arnoldson his employers toldd us he has went on a long vacation. Then when we turned up at his house we found it to be burned down in mysterious circumstances. Make of that what you will, but we believe somebody didn't want Arnold spilling anymore beans.
However before Arnold's disappearance he did send us photos of the first live duck chemtrail trials, which frankly we here at GDCRN find truly terrifying.