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Anatis may be responsible for dinosaur hoax.

At first here at GDCRN we were initially sceptical when we first came across Christians against Dinosaurs C.A.D. That was until we started discovering Anatis involvement with excavations by paleontologists throughout history. At first we just thought it an alliance of common interest, paleontologists want to dig holes and find dino remains. The anatis want dirty great holes left everywhere which will eventually fill with water. Thus extending suitable habitat and speeding up the arrival of invasion day. How ever on furhter investigation we have discovered a lot of big paleo are also Duck collaborators. The invention of the dino myth was created by a collaboration of dino hoaxers and Duck collaborators as a way for these hoaxers to make money from their lies and for the Anatis to further their invasion plans. We have more recently discovered a deal between the early dino hoaxers and the Anatis high command. In which the Duck overlords gave early dino hoaxers advanced technology that could plant 3d printed objects deep underground. On the condition that when dig sites are finished with they be allowed to collect water and become suitable habitats for ducks.


An ex paleontology dino dig site, which has became waterlogged.

So despit the fact that most of us are not christians we have pledged to support C.A.D in their work as it will also help to advance our cause. Also we believe that cooperation even with folks of different beliefs is essential to human happiness.

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