Breaking news from our top derp undercover agents operating within the Anatis Dis-Information, Propaganda and Educative Chaos Department(ADIPECD) broke this morning. When our derp undercover agents phoned us this morning with news from last nights ADIPECD AGM.
After a hearty breakfast of re-fried duck an duck eggs we flew out to Seattle to meet up with them and get the low down. Obviously we have changed their names to protect the guilty.
“Well needless to say we were not surprised that flat earth was on the agenda, we had suspected the Anatis were behind this one for some time. Neither were we surprised to see Dubay on the guest list.” Was how Donald who poses as a food server at these gatherings began, he then went on to say. “So i decided to ask a few questions see what I could get from other staff including Dubay’s personal attendants. Turns out Eric has not only been on the Anatis pay roll for sometime, but has been held in high regard by the Anatis high command for sometime due to his unswerving dedication to their cause. Which I found a little surprising to say the least.”
When we caught up with our other derp undercover agent Jessica she told us. “We’ve had our eye on Dubay for some time now, but we had no idea just how close to the Anatis high command he actually is.”

So we asked Jessica how Dubay became so well liked by our future would be rulers? And she said “It started when Dubay volunteered to take on the Flat Earth project, before that he had just been a very pro-active bum licker. But it was mostly his dedication to the false, show-conflict between himself and his followers and the Flat earth society that has mostly pleased his benefactors. As the Anatis love nothing more than fractal, factional divisions”
Once we had got the lowdown juicy gossip on the who, we decided we should for the sake of journalistic integrity get to the why. As after all that is what the reader wants and what we are being paid for. So we asked Crayor the galaxy’s most well recognised experts on the Anatis and their tactics. “Well it’s all very simple really, you will find Anatis hands at the bottom of every conspiracy theory. Dis-information of any kind keeps people away from the truth of their evil plans. But Flat Earth and those theories that postulate the non-existence of space are always their favourites. That way folk will not see the forward scouting and reconnaissance ships never mind Armada coming in preparation for invasion day.

And there we have it folks incontrovertible proof that Flat Earth is just another in the long line of Anatis mis-information propaganda projects to distract the human race from their upcoming enslavement at the hands of the fowl Anatis.