Head spy duck released back into wild after failed assassination attempt.
After the failed assassination attempt on the spy duck chief with a crossbow in Weymouth, the Duck collaboration force known as Weymouth...

GDCRN Operatives puncture giant floating duck propoganda piece for a 4th time.
For 45 ominous minutes Saturday morning, a massive yellow duck rose proudly above the Camden waterfront, ready once again to entertain...

Conspiracy theorists mistake Anatis forward military scout ship for Niburu!
If you have following GDCRN activities and news bulletins over the last 12 years. You will already know about the Anatis Starship Earth...

Duck collaborator beaten senseless after trying to prevent Youth Division from killing ducks.
Matt Devine, 45, was attacked when he tried to prevent four of our Youth Division from using an air rifle to target high ranking ducks,...

Breaking news, blue prints for duck tank discovered by canal in Swindon.
One of our supporters (who whishes to remain anonymous for their own safety) has given these blue prints from an illegal duck factory...
Cutting through the scepticism
One of the many difficulties we encounter here at the GDCRN, is outright scepticism. One of the main points people are sceptical about is...

This is the most serious threat to our existence.
Once you know about the great duck conspiracy, you are in danger of assassination. These assassins are capable of morphing into the form...
One of the many difficulties we encounter here at the GDCRN, is outright scepticism. One of the main points people are sceptical about is...

A busy year for the ducks.
Since the start of the year we have seen an increased activity in the ducks battle readyness plans. Particularly in the surveillance of...